Think about the last thing you read. Did you read it because you had to read it or because you wanted to read it? As adults, most of our reading is because we want to read. I read in a recent article titled, Turn Your boys INTO READERS!, that most men state, “They hated to read as a kid!” However, when questioned further, they remember reading lots of Mad magazines, comics, Boys’ Life and war histories. Less specifically, they read things they wanted to read or things they wanted to read about.

Research tells us that literacy is the most important factor in students finding success at school. This article points out, girls outscore boys in reading proficiency levels. So what can we do to change this trend?

According to Pam Allyn, it can be accomplished in four easy steps. Ritual, Environment, Access, Dialogue (READ). Creating a ritual for reading includes reading everyday. You might even incorporate movement into the daily reading ritual. Be creative.

In my opinion, and through my experiences, the second step, creating the environment, is the most important for boys. When creating the
ideal environment for your child, be sure to ask him some very important questions. Do you like to read by yourself? Do you like some background noise or do you prefer a quiet room. Having your child create the environment makes it fun and creates ownership.

If your child likes to read magazines, give him access to more magazines. If he likes to read fantasy, give him access to more fantasy. When they do chose a book, ask them why they chose the book. Was it the topic? Was it the author? What is a story about their favorite superhero? Whatever it was, give him access to read that which excites him.

Making reading a conversation piece (dialogue) is the fourth step in this journey. Ask him questions about what he is reading. Read aloud with your child. Make reading a social event that you share together. If they sense excitement from you, they will catch the feeling.

While I believe this four step technique can be successful for both boys and girls, it is a must for many boys. If you would like a top 20 list of books for boys, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Enjoy reading with your child!

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