_DSC3307_cropped.jpgYou’ve driven or walked by it many times, but did you know those tall grasses and native plants are part of an award winning Rain Garden? Members of the MPA community recently received a publication about the five year anniversary of the opening of new facilities, including the sports center, two-story classroom addition, commons area, and amphitheater. Part of that major construction project, our Rain Gardens have become a key teaching space for the science program. On November 14, MPA science teacher Mitch Thompson will accept a Landscape Ecology Awards Program (LEAP) award from the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District on behalf of MPA for our amazing gardens. Watch the videos below of Mr. Thomsen explaining the significance of this award, then come with me as I go on a quick tour of the gardens with Mitch…and congratulations!

Mike Downs, Head

Interview with Mitch Thomsen, MPA Middle and Upper School Science Faculty

Tour of MPA Watershed Project


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