I’ve never been a fan of dinner theater, but breakfast theater? What could warm you more than hot breakfast and a good show on a cold winter morning? Rivulets of syrup rolling off a thick stack of Steve’s best pancakes, served up with a side of sausage and washed down with coffee and juice. Sated, you amble with the crowd towards the scene of this year’s Quiz Bowl Smackdown, where the Varsity Quiz Bowl team will make short work of yours truly and our band of administrative victims. What’s not to like?

So mark your calendars – next Friday, December 9, beginning at 7:30 a.m. we’ll have free breakfast for all members of the MPA community in the cafeteria, served by members of the administrative team. New families take note: this is a major social event on the calendar so plan on parking and coming in to enjoy the festive atmosphere. And at 8:25, students head off to class, parents with places to go and people to meet hop in their cars, and the rest of you? Come and see the carnage as Charlotte, Mohan, Zosha & Co. handily dissect the school’s top leaders in a test of who can remember the most stupendously useless information. (Have I lowered expectations enough, boys? No? OK:) The last time the admin team won this thing was during the Eisenhower administration. (That would be between 1953 and 1961, Zosha!) 

We’ll see you and yours for pancakes and a smackdown next Friday!

Mike Downs, Head 

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