Mike Downs writes: Founding Upper School English teacher Richard Meacock has been dealing
with a serious medical condition. With Richard’s permission, I am
sharing with the MPA community these details. Richard’s condition requires
that he receive a liver transplant and, as yet, no donor has been found.
Richard’s daughter has created a website that makes public the
need for a donor in hopes that someone may be identified as soon as
possible. I am including the link to the website for those interested in
direct information on how to help.

There are many ways to help and I know that Richard will value thoughts
and expressions of concern, while recognizing that he is working to keep
his day-to-day work life as normal as possible. If you have students
with questions, please let them know that Richard has good medical care
and that he would like them to continue to focus on the important
academic work he does with them.

Here is a link to the website that has been set up. As of this writing,
there are over 850 people who have “liked” the site and Richard reports
that the transplant center has been swamped with requests to be

I know the MPA community joins me in wishing Mr. Meacock a speedy recovery.

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