Note: This guest message today comes to the MPA Community from this year’s Head of School for a Day, fourth grader and new MPA student, Shane F. The Head of School for a Day opportunity is a Best of MPA auction item.

December 9, 2011

DSC_0308.JPGToday I was lucky enough to be Head of School
for a Day. The best things about being Head of School for a day were probably
getting to be able to eat lunch out of school at Chili’s, getting to meet with
so many different people, and attending a senior seminar where I learned about
financial responsibility.


I got to meet with a variety of different
people like the Athletic Director, Mr. Kordosky, as well as getting to meet the
Upper School Director Mr. Peeler.


I learned about how MPA balances their
subjects so that students get enough of each one to help them be successful.


Hopefully I can be Head of School for a Day
next year, too.

– Shane F., Head of School for the Day

See photos of Shane’s day as Head of School here.

Click here to read the newsletter that Shane’s teacher, Mrs. Stacy, put together for him.

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