Dear Families,

The yearbook is a wonderful publication designed to showcase each student and his/her school year. As I write this, yearbook staff members are working hard to create a remarkable book: I am truly very impressed. This year, however, we are in the second year of a pilot program called “Personal Yearbook Pages.” Select schools across the country have been asked to join, and because we were chosen, I am happy to offer you an additional yearbook service.

In brief, the program allows each student/family that purchases a yearbook the opportunity to create four, full-color pages to be bound into that one yearbook. Maybe your student would like a page dedicated to the traveling soccer team she’s a part of, another filled with pictures of her best friends, another dedicated to family, and yet another filled with random pictures of the year. This year we can do that. Those four pages will be bound into the back of your student’s book–and that book only–for a truly personalized yearbook.

The pages are easy to create, and there are templates, backgrounds, clip art, and more to have fun with. The cost is $15+tax, but you can check out how it works and play around without any commitment by following the directions below. The deadline to complete pages is in February.

Please note there is no pressure or necessity to purchase personal yearbook pages. Rather, it is just an extra opportunity for your student/family.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Best regards,

KaTrina Wentzel, yearbook advisor

 PYP (Personal Yearbook Pages) directions:
1. Go to
2. Click the “start” button on the right side of the page under “Create your own Personal Yearbook Pages” T
3. The first time there, you will need to register (STUDENT name, your email, and a password; agree to guidelines; then find MPA in the school choices). After that, each visit will require you to log in with email and password. If you created an account last year, you may log in using the same email and password. Choose “create a new project” when that menu appears.
4. Design your pages! Note that you can save and do this over several sessions. Students can also invite friends to add to or design a page for them.
5. If you decide to purchase the pages you and your student have created, choose “I’m Finished” at the top. It will have you confirm the pages, then will let you choose “purchase.” You may then purchase your personal yearbook pages with a credit card. 

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