The first grade students could not have been more excited for Tuesday’s Blood Drive. They have been anticipating this event since they first learned about our Service Learning Project in November.  Since then, the first grade students worked with the Upper School Student Council Members to make signs, stickers, and thank you cards, they learned about the need for blood from a classroom parent, Dr. Dick Marnach, worked to recruit donors, and wrote stories and practiced reading books so they would be prepared for Tuesday’s event. The students wore their Blood Drive T-shirts with pride and did an amazing job reading to donors and/or handing out thank-you notes.  Thank you to all of the adult assistance in collecting donors, volunteering, and donating blood!  It was an incredible success having first grade students involved in such a wonderful event.

On behalf of the Upper School Student Council and First Grade Classes, we would like to thank everyone for supporting us with this year’s Blood Drive.  It was an incredibly successful event. We collected 40 units on a goal of 38!

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