This week’s Head’s Message game: Match the MPA teacher with the correct quote (scroll down for answers).


1) My father, a US Air Force colonel, used to say, ‘Give me one guy who knows how to think, and he’s more valuable to me than five guys who only know how to say, “Yes, Sir!”‘

2) I won the lottery the day I was hired at MPA 24 years ago!

3) If I could impart two life principles to my students it would be to pay attention and to take care of how we use our words and how we treat one another.

4) Our students at MPA are such neat human beings, people I am proud to know, that it fills me with energy and positivity for the future.

5) In order to really open yourself up to the creative process, you need to be able to leave all of your trouble at the door and come in and really focus – be present.

6) We are with our students for such a brief period of their lives that it is paramount that we, as teachers and parents, prepare them to be successful on their own.

7) MPA students are bright, curious, hardworking, open-minded critical thinkers who love to learn…and they have made every single day a wonderful adventure for me for the last 30 years.

8) It is always important to see things from different perspectives and to make an effort to understand people who are different from you.

9) In my view the most consistent predictors of success are perseverance and a positive outlook. Set high goals, don’t quit and enjoy the going.

10) love it when something clicks for a student and s/he gets that “a-ha” moment

Click here to see more information about each of these teachers. Each month we’ll be adding more teacher profiles until the full faculty is represented on our website.




       1) I   2) J  3) G  4) H  5) A  6) B  7) E  8) F  9) D  10) C

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