MPA finished in 1st place at the MATHCOUNTS chapter competition on Saturday, February 4. The team will now continue on to the state competition in late March. This is the 6th year in a row that MPA students will participate in the state competition.

The team was Zoe Wentzel, Collin Hill, Susie Kixmoeller, and Sofie Netteberg. Competing as individuals were Karsten Dahlberg, Jos Sullivan, Ingrid Dai, David Rozinka, Sophia Fitzcollins, and Amanda Baumgart. Zoe finished 5th individually out of about 90 students and Karsten finished 9th.

MPA was in 4th place after the two individual rounds. But our team had the highest score on the team round, and was able to move into 1st place as a result!

– Daniel Ethier, MATHCOUNTS Coach and Middle School Math Teacher

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