For the past nine years, several MPA families have packed personal care kits to distribute at the Loaves and Fishes food program in St. Paul, and this year we also have the third graders helping us to get the word out!  For those in the MPA community who would like to help, please place donations in the large box in the cafeteria by April 16th.  We are collecting travel size soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste and deodorant, as well as razors, washcloths and toothbrushes.  Due to the large number of children that we see, we are also asking for donations of small toys.  Anything the size of a Beanie Baby or smaller would be fine.  The toys do not need to be new, but they should be in excellent condition.  New or gently used socks for adults and children are also much appreciated.  Toys and socks may also be placed in the box in the cafeteria.
Thank you to all who participated last year.  Due to your generosity, we were able to pack and distribute over 200 kits that were gratefully received, and the need is still very great this year.  If you have any questions, please contact Deb Wineman (former MPA parent) at

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