Yes, you!

Stop by and be celebrated on Friday, April 27. For chances are, if you’re reading this, you have volunteered at some point at MPA – and tomorrow we celebrate you! You may be one of the hundreds who come in for the myriad volunteer activities, from Lower School duty free lunch to Upper School Spring Musical cast and crew support. YOU are a CHAMP, showing daily that “character happens at Mounds Park” in the parent community as well. In fact, character begins at home and when you devote precious time from a busy schedule to help out at school, it reinforces for the students the values we stand for as a community.  

It’s what we mean by the word “modelling” in our mission statement: “…a diverse community that models intellectual ambition, global responsibility, and the joy of learning.” Young people all along the developmental continuum are always looking for models as they craft their own unique identity. And, naturally, they look to those older than them. The first grader looks up to the fourth grade conflict manager, the eight grader looks to the senior, and all of them look to the adults in their lives. They may not appear to be looking, but they are. And they’re taking notes. Anyone who has ever been brought up short by the words, “but, Dad, I saw you do that…” knows what I am talking about. “Do as I say, not as I do, ” is a cliche because it speaks, albeit ironically, to the power of actions over words. Children learn to do as we do. 

There is indeed power in our actions, which is why your generosity of time and energy is important on multiple levels. Not only do you make it so much easier for us to do all the things we do. Not only does your presence in the canoe with seventh graders bring richness of experience to our engagement with these kids. It also teaches students critical lessons about selflessness. By making a positive example.

Whether your total contribution is one hour or one hundred hours, we want to thank you. We’ll be in the Parents Association room off the cafeteria all day Friday. Come by, and let us thank you for being the positive influences you are in the life of the school. And if you are too busy with your “day” job or volunteering somewhere else, know that we are grateful for the support….every day. 

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