MPA’s yearbook, Gnomon, has been recognized for excellence and featured in the 2012 Gotcha Covered Look Book, Volume 10, celebrating the best-of-the-best in yearbook design and creation. Jostens’ Look Book is a collection of spreads and photos from outstanding yearbooks and their creative themes, covers, dazzling design, relevant coverage, storytelling copy and action-packed photos. It is a tribute to the important role well-crafted yearbooks play in helping schools chronical the experiences, stories and acheivements most relevant to students and that academic year.

Gnomon was created by students under the direction of KaTrina Wentzel, MPA’s yearbook adviser.

“The hard work and journalistic talent of yearbook students Is under-recognized,” Wentzel said. “Last year’s staff did a tremendous job fully developing a theme, creating fabulous design, taking solid photos and writing journalistic captions. Project management and team work pulled together an amazing book, and I’m so glad that they have been recognized for it!”

The Gnomon was one of only 30 yearbooks selected from approximately 3,000 to be featured in the “book looks” sections, which showcases top books from around the country. Also featured was a spread designed by Susie Krikava (12), who received honorable mention in the Yeartech Design Contest. The 2012 panel of judges, comprised of nationally recognized scholastic journalism professionals and award-winning yearbook advisers, selected the best examples of yearbook spreads and photos to make up the 288-page 2012 Look Book.

“Yearbooks are unique, limited edition books created by students to capture the stories and events for all of the school’s students and Jostens is proud to celebrate the yearbook tradition and the 400 yearbooks selected for the 2012 Gotcha Covered Look Book, Volume 10,” said Gary Lundgren, Jostens senior program manager/education.  “We are passionate about helping schools create yearbooks that include the entire school community. The yearbooks selected for the Jostens 2012 Look Book reflect the sophistication and relevance of yearbook programs.”

KaTrina Wentzel and her yearbook staff received a copy of Jostens’ 2012 Gotcha Covered Look Book and plaque from Jostens to recognize their outstanding achievement.

Jostens’ Gotcha Covered Look Book is a must-have resource for yearbook advisers and staffs seeking creative design and coverage ideas, trends and inspiration.

Congratulations to all of the MPA 2010-2011 Yearbook Staff members! They are:

Lauren Arsenault*
Nathan Burnstein
Matthew Champers
Lindsay Coleman
Matthew DeGregorio
Greta Gangestad
Alex Hagen
Sam Harper
Kip Hathaway
Dalia Istephanous
Andrew Kluge
Susie Krikava
Ellie Lawin
Amanda Magistad
Mackenzie Melton
Cameron Meyer-Mueller
Malone Mischke
Lucas Murphy
Eric Polacek
Kimberley Rolfs
Azura Rudd
Kara Schoenherr
Laurel Schwartz*
Jordan Sinkfield
Justin Sinkfield
Austin Smith
Rebecca Weiss
Laurel Winsor


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