Mounds Park Academy program recognized for dynamic and engaging


Mounds Park Academy’s
yearbook program was recently named a 2012 Jostens’ National Yearbook Program of
Excellence. The National Yearbook Program of Excellence designation recognizes dynamic
school yearbook programs. The program recognizes yearbook staffs and advisers
who create engaging yearbooks for their school communities.

The Mounds Park Academy award winning yearbook program is
led under the direction of KaTrina Wentzel, Mounds Park Academy yearbook

The award was announced to Ms. Wentzel and the 2011-2012 yearbook
in a surprise presentation by Josten’s representatives at MPA’s annual
yearbook assembly, held on June 8, 2012 – the last day of school.


“While it was a surprise to me that day to receive the honor, it was not at all a surprise that the students’ work was recognized with the award,” Wentzel said. “The yearbook staff worked very hard all year and showed dedication to the book and to the community.”

“I’m proud of them and the work they did,” she added. “They deserve national recognition, and I’m glad they received the award.”
The appreciation between staff and adviser is mutual. “Ms. Wentzel was our number one supporter this entire year,” said MPA 2011-2012 yearbook co-editor-in-chief Amanda Magistad (’12).  “She pushed us to work out hardest because she knew we could achieve great things with this book.”


“Her dedication infused us all with the motivation to put 110 percent into this book,” Magistad added. “She is an inspiration.”
Jostens of Minnesota Yearbooks representative Sara Sausker said that Mounds Park Academy consistently produces one of the best yearbooks in the state, if not the nation. “Not only is their book attractive and journalistically sound because of strong leadership from adviser KaTrina Wentzel, but they do an exceptional job of making sure that the book celebrates every student in the school.”

Lauren Arsenault (’12), co-editor-in-chief, commented, “The theme this year really set this years yearbook apart. Not only did it have the interesting concept of 12 individual magazines, but it also focused on the ideals that the MPA community subscribes to which really showcases the amazing diversity among our students.”

“This book was so easy to relate to because the reader can recognize the magazines they read every day in it, and also they can find other people in this book who subscribe to the ideals, hobbies, and activities that they themselves subscribe to,” added Arsenault, who will attend Emory University in Atlanta in the fall.

Magistad said her experience as co-editor-in-chief taught her many skills she will use for the rest of my life. “One of those things was the power of determination,” she said. “This year, we decided to take on a completely new designing system to create our yearbook. It took a lot of patience and organization to learn the program, and then demanded even more commitment to develop the book. In the beginning of the process there were definitely times of frustration, but all of the yearbook staff would agree the hard work paid off in the end.”

“When the national yearbook award was given to our staff it was the culmination of a year full of hard work and dedication,” Magistad added. “It took the passion, and creativity of each yearbook member to make this book beautiful.”

Jostens’ National Yearbook Program of Excellence Awards are presented
twice a year, in May for yearbooks delivered in the spring and in September for
yearbooks delivered in the fall. The Award was presented to the Mounds Park
Academy yearbook program for achieving the defined criteria in each of three
following categories; creating an inclusive yearbook, generating school
engagement, and successfully managing the yearbook creation process.

“Jostens believes passionately in the importance of the
yearbook tradition connecting every student to the school story and the school
year and we are honored to recognize these yearbook programs,” said Mike Wolf,
director, Yearbook Marketing, Jostens. “We understand that a great yearbook
program does not just happen, and we are dedicated to helping schools
strengthen their programs by providing the tools and personal guidance for
success. The National Yearbook Program of Excellence recognizes schools that
embrace the yearbook tradition and have built a yearbook program that serves
the entire school community.”

The Mounds Park Academy yearbook program received a plaque
to display in the yearbook area and a banner to display in school, so the
entire school community will be aware of the outstanding achievement.

Each year, the yearbook staff presents a video/photo show for the entire school to enjoy at the Yearbook Assembly. View this year’s video here.

Yearbook Staff.jpg

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