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Thirteen years ago, 13 students Class of 2012 students started kindergarten at MPA the fall before the turn of the century. As the graduated this year, they were inducted into the Joanna Olson 13-Year Club. See how far they’ve come and where they’re headed to college. Here’s what they had to say about being “lifers” (photo and quotes courtesy of the MPA 2012-2013 Yearbook Staff):

From back left:


Lydia Wall: “It’s been a long journey, but it was worth it.”


Austin Smith: “Being a part of the MPA community has truly been an amazing experience.”


Eddie Freier: “I miss snack time.”


Kate Nicholson: “It has been cool to see how far we’ve come when I see the kindergarteners walking in the hallway.”


Leah Wisniewski: “I’ve loved watching both my classmates and MPA grow and change.”


Eric Polacek: “It’s kinda cool how in this one place we’ve grown as much as we have… and what this place is to us has changed as well.”


Ben Willet: “Thirteen years later, and the library’s still the best place to be.”


Dalia Istephanous: “It’s hard to leave somewhere you’ve been for so long — especially somewhere you’ve been from kid to adult. But it’s exciting to take what we’ve learned for 13 years and take it elsewhere.”


Susie Krikava: “There’s no where else I would have wanted to grow up.”


Ellie Lawin: “I’m thankful to have been here for 13 years because I have met some of my closest friends in kindergarten and can’t imagine my life without them.”


Molly Brown: “It has been very memorable, and I feel like a part of the MPA family.”


Amanda Magistad: “Some of my best memories are in this school.”
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