Welcome back! The grass is green, the sky is blue, the
air a gentle caress on bare arms – at least as I write this. Weather report for the first day of school –
high of 80, zero percent chance of rain…a perfect day. Great things begin next
week, whether you are a senior looking forward to a special last year in high
school or a tentative pre-schooler ready to make new friends.


To start the school year is to launch great adventures,
to strike out on a path of discovery. Who knew you’d actually be reading by the
end of the year? Or solving quadratic equations, or editing another
award-winning yearbook? Who thought you’d have the stamina to ride the whole
way on the sixth grade bike trip or to actually resolve conflicts on the
playground in your first turn as a fourth grade conflict manager?


Who told you you could argue a case against real judges
in the Minnesota Courthouse or score a goal in your first year on the soccer team?
It’s all inside of you. It’s all there waiting to get
out. It’s a new year. Grab hold, make the most of it, and enjoy the ride!

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