“I am going to play the viola!  I am going to play the baritone!”

During the first week of school, 5th Graders and their parents attended the 5th Grade Instrumental Recruitment Night.  On this night, students had the opportunity to try every possible brass, string and woodwind instrument to help them decide what instrument they wanted to play in the 5th Grade Band or Orchestra.  Students and parents are often surprised at the instrument that ends up ‘choosing them.’  A 5th grader may come into the evening thinking, ‘I really want to play the flute’ but then after trying the flute, realize they are unable to make a sound.  That same student will then try an instrument they never dreamed of playing and discover not only could they make a beautiful sound, they loved how it felt in their hands.  After trying all of the instruments, students were then asked to choose their top two instruments they would like to play based on the comments given to them by the instrument experts and their own personal feelings.  For many, the choice was easy but for others, it required a lot of thought and reflection with their parents before they were ready to choose.  

Next week, the 5th Graders receive their instruments and have their first lesson.  They will learn how to hold the instrument, take care of it and play their first sound. This is just the beginning of their musical career at MPA.  The study of a musical instrument provides a significant number of benefits to a child’s development.  Research has linked active music making with better language and math ability, improved school grades,enhanced coordination, and better communication, memory, and listening skills.  Being a member of a musical ensemble can also help foster responsibility, mental discipline, teamwork, and self-esteem. 

We are very excited for all of our 5th Graders starting their instruments next week.  Parents, get ready for an amazing year of music! 

Rosa Glade Arnold-Orchestra Director

Renae Wantock-Band Director

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