Below is a blog written by MPA 10th grader Munira Khalif, who recently attended a national Girl Up Teen Advisor meeting in New York to learn more about gener equality and universal education. Munira’s blog was published on Oct. 18 on the Girl Up website.

Girl Up State of Mind
by Munira Khalif


In our first in-person 2012-2013 Teen Advisor meeting in New York, I had the opportunity to meet 15 wonderful Teen Advisors, be inspired by riveting speakers, and reinvigorate my desire to create global equality for my counterparts. 

I visited the renowned United Nations headquarters, and learned about its history and goals. During the visit, I was delighted to see Girl Up’s mission reflected in the Millennium Development Goals. Gender equality and universal education are two goals that Girl Up strives to implement and sustain. Hopefully, we can see these goals become reality in 2015!   

Aside from my visit to the UN Headquarters, I was able to participate in the Girls Night Out reception, where Girl Up Champion Monique Coleman galvanized the crowd.  She spoke of her transition from High School Musicalstar to UN Youth Champion and founder of Gimme Mo.  Monique demonstrated that the desire for social good will be rewarded with both opportunity and remarkable results. She encouraged  youth to become involved as advocates for global change. 

In addition, I was able to gain knowledge and insight from two astonishing women, Gillian Sorensen and Jennifer Catino.  Gillian Sorensen, senior advisor at the United Nations Foundation, revealed how she paved her career. She established the necessity of diligence and hard work and is a role model for young women everywhere. Jennifer Catino, an associate with Population Council’s Poverty, Gender, and Youth program, shared the importance of girl empowerment in developing countries. She demonstrated that adolescent girls continue to face issues, but with help, these girls easily can become essential contributors to society.

Most importantly, over the weekend, I was able to enhance my overall understanding of the campaign. The Girl Up staff revealed the pivotal role that media, advocacy, fundraising, and social media play in the campaign.  

I was truly delighted to spend a weekend surrounded by active girls that sought to ensure their counterparts had the right to be educated, healthy, safe, and positioned to be leaders in their communities. These Teen Advisors represent the movement and search for global equality and change. 

I left the meeting in a Girl Up state of mind, determined that we can spread this change together. 

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”-Margaret Mead

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