I happen to be composing this note with the window open and temps in the mid-60s, but that’s all about to change. Over the next 12 hours, the temperature drops off the table and snow is likely to fly. And by the way, if you haven’t noticed, the days are getting shorter.

Families who move here from warmer climates are always non-plussed when we tell them that the minimum temperature for outdoor recess is 10 degrees below zero. We consider anything below that to actually be cold. But eight below? Toasty. By that standard, the coming dip into the 30s is a piece of cake. Or at least, it will seem so by the time March rolls around. It’s all relative.

As for snow days, don’t hold your breath. In 10 previous winters here at MPA, I can remember only one. And unlike the public schools, who will close for pure cold if the temperature drops low enough, we don’t. Not that we’re gluttons for punishment, but because the geographic reach of our families is quite broad across the Twin Cities metro, and a majority of students do not come by bus. It is, after all, the danger of waiting for a school bus on the street corner at 20 below that has districts cancelling school on otherwise sunny days. Of course, we do not penalize any student whose family decides that travel is unsafe, even if we are open.    

While the temps drop on the outside, things start to warm up on the inside. Ahead on the calendar are colorful dress-up days, concerts, pancake breakfasts, art shows, the annual Quiz Bowl Smackdown – a real sizzler. (For the uninitiated, the Smackdown pits MPA’s perennially stellar student team agains the administration. We get the smackdown!)

And especially for parents, the hot hot Best of MPA annual party and auction. This year’s theme is the 80s, the location – Prom Center, the date – Friday, November 9. It’s a great way to warm your hands by the MPA fire and help out at the same time.

Winter….it’s what’s for breakfast.


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