OK, I’ll admit it. I’m not a big let’s-get-dressed-up-in-crazy-costumes kind of person. Because of my background in theater, this usually comes as a surprise to people. Although, to be fair, my primary training and work in the theater was as a director, making sure that everyone else was costumed properly. Anyway, it was clear from the parade of 1980s outfits last Friday night at the Best of MPA Auction and Dinner that a lot of MPA folks do not share my reticence about showing some wardrobe imagination. Loni Anderson and Burt Reynolds were there Friday night, as was Tom Sellek for the “Awesone ’80s” celebration. Lots of rockers with really huge hair up, swept to the side, or teased to look like the after effects of an electric shock. One couple dazzled with matching Zubaz.

However they were dressed and coiffed, they generously opened their wallets at the annual affair, our biggest fundraiser and community party of the year. The support was “awesome” and on behalf of all of us at MPA, thank you!     

By the way, I did actually do some research and came to the party dressed in an exact copy of the suit (blue) and tie (red) worn by Ronald Reagan in June of 1987 when he stood in front of the Brandenberg Gate marking the border between East and West Berln. During my welcome remarks, I tried out my Reagan impression, proclaiming, “Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall!” (Interestingly, an early draft of the famous speech was recently found, featuring the words “Awesome gate, dude!” crossed out and replaced by “tear down this wall!”) Chief of costume police Ms. Dale was not impressed by my costume cop-out, but I was trying to bring some historic authenticity to the event, with a nod to one of the most significant events of the ’80s decade, one that still reverberates to this day.

Reagan gave that speech within days of MPA’s second annual commencement ceremony, featuring the graduation of, among others, the inestimable Wade Petersen, ’87. There are few areas of the school’s operation that Wade is not involved in, but the one I’m most looking forward to is his role as host of the annual Quiz Bowl Smackdown between the students’ top team and the Administration. Wade coaches, among other things, the MPA Upper and Middle School Quiz Bowl Teams, perennial participants in national competitions. He’ll read the questions and judge at our event on December 7 at 8:30 am in the Gallery – immediately following the annual FREE Pancake Breakfast.

With support from the Parents Association, the Pancake Breakfast for all families is another one of our great community builders and comes at a time when the shock of short, cold winter days is settling in and a hot breakfast among friends is most welcome. Make sure to put it on your calendar and, if you can, stay to watch Mr. Peeler, Mr. Reimers, Ms. Dale, Ms. Kunze, and Mr. Downs endure a pasting by our Quiz Bowl students at the Smackdown.

By the way, the Smackdown occurs this year on another historic date – December 7. “A date which will live in infamy,” said another American President at the time. If a question on the significance of December 7 appears at the Smackdown, at least we oldies may have a slight edge. (I wish I could take an instant pole of the readers of this message to find out how many of you, without the assistance of Google, know the answer.)

Events like the Best of MPA and the Pancake Breakfast always remind me what a committed, joyful, generous, and spirited community we have. Truly awesome!

Mike Downs, Head   

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