The 5th Annual Mounds Park Academy Upper School Student Council Blood Drive will be held on January 15, 2013 in the Nicholson Gallery from 12 p.m.-6 p.m. Please consider donating blood for this important effort. You can also help by volunteering that day with the student council.

Donation Appointments can be made by clicking here. Enter sponsor code: 0173345
If you are still thinking about donating or know someone else who could donate, please know that there are still available spots (and walk-ins are always welcome). You may sign-up by going online to  

Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers.  

What are the basic requirements for donation?
You must be at least 17 years of age, weigh a minimum of 110 lbs., be in general good health, and have at least 55 days between donations.

Do I need to bring any information to help me fill out the paperwork?
Donors will be asked for their social security number, verification of birth date (driver’s license or other picture ID), and the name of any prescription medication you have taken in the last month.

How long will it take?  
You will be asked to fill out paperwork before giving blood.  There will be some wait time with this.  Giving blood takes between 5 and 15 minutes.  You will also be asked to rest before you leave. The entire process will take approximately one hour.

Can I resume normal activities after giving blood?  
Yes, provided you feel well.

Is there anything I can do before I donate?
• get a good night’s sleep
• eat well, especially the day of – including eating foods high in iron: red meat, fish, poultry, beans and peas, breads and cereals, and dried fruit.
• drink plenty of fluids the day before and the day of your donation

Thank you again for helping to make the Blood Drive a success!  
Remember: Each pint of blood collected can help save 3 lives!

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