MPA belongs to a state organization – the Minnesota Association of Independent Schools (MAIS), a regional one  – the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS), and a national one – the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). Each plays a different role, none more important than that of ISACS, which is our accrediting body. Recognized for accreditation by the state of Minnesota as well as twelve other midwestern states, ISACS has 230 member schools on its roster.

The ISACS accreditation process has been recognized nationally as one of the most thorough and effective processes and has been copied widely. One of the key features is the use of experienced independent school leaders and teachers on the accreditation teams and it is an expectation that ISACS schools will supply team members. It has been my honor to serve on a number of teams, including three as visiting team leader. This coming Sunday through Wednesday (February 3-6), I will serve ISACS once again in that capacity as I travel to lead a school visit in Kansas City. As was the case when MPA hosted a team last year, the host school bears the cost of all travel and accomodations for team members, who volunteer their time in support of this process.

While team members work essentially during all waking hours over the days of the visit, many who have served describe the experience as one of the best professional development opportunities. Days are filled visiting classes and interviewing staff, students, trustees, parents and alumni. Evenings are spent writing reports and collaborating on the final product. Typically, several MPA teachers and administrators each year are asked to serve on a team. 

Every time I have served on one of these teams, I have returned with a deeper appreciation of the amazing experience available here at MPA. It is one of the hidden benefits of visiting another school – realizing how well served the MPA community is by our dedicated faculty and staff. Sometimes you have to travel a long way away to realize that what’s right here at home is quite special.

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