Please join us on Tuesday, February 12th for the Fifth Grade Music Share performance at 2:30 p.m. in the Nicholson Center. The fifth graders will be playing their Band and Orchestra instruments, singing, dancing, playing recorders and more! Wehope you are able to join us to celebrate their accomplishments in music so far this year.

You may be wondering why the fifth graders have their own music performance during the school day rather than performing with the 6th, 7th and 8th graders in December or January. Great question! Fifth graders choose their new instrument for Band or Orchestra the first week of school. For all of first quarter they participate in small group lessons that allow for more individual and instrument-specific instruction. They get a chance to experiment with their new instrument before playing in a larger group setting. At the start of second quarter the fifth graders jointogether as a larger Band or Orchestra. They begin learning about playing as an ensemble while still maintaining smaller group lessons in order to help them continue to progress on their individual instrument.

Throughout the year all fifth graders are in a combined Music and Choir class. They start the year by preparing for, and singing at, Grandparents and Special FriendsDay. Following this performance they continue working with soprano recorders, Orff instruments and incorporate more movement and singing into their class.

We believe that fifth graders need time to develop their skills within the safety of our classrooms and with their classmates before performing for large groups. They learn to trust each other as an ensemble, and they also learn the importance of the individual within the large group. For these reasons we choose to have a “fifth grade only” music performance every year to help them gain confidence with their playing, singing and movement. We provide a safespace, and invite friends and family, for these students to give their first performance in middle school.

We absolutely love this performance, and we know you will too. We look forward to seeing you at the Fifth Grade Music Share on February 12th!

Leah Abbe Bloem
Rosa Glade Arnold
Renae Wantock

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