Listen to Minnesota Public Radio’s Classical station next week to hear selections from the 2012-2013 Minnesota Music Educators Assocation all-state ensembles, which include Mounds Park Academy students.

MPR has named the week of February 25 All-State Week on Classical MPR (99.5 FM).  The All-State Orchestra will be heard on Monday, Feb. 25 at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. with the Shotakovich Symphony as a web feature. MPA 11th graders Alex Campanelli, Kethan Dahlberg, and Eliza Edwards all played in the All-State Orchestra. MPA seniors Jackson Beck, Mason McElvain, and Stefan Schwochau performed with the All-State Men’s Choir at Benson Great Hall on Saturday, February 16. Click here for the full schedule of performances that will be played on Classical MPR the week of February 25.

In addition to the Upper School students performing in All-State ensembles, two MPA Middle School students – Theo JF. and Sylvia R. – participated in the MNSOTA (Minnesota String & Orchestra Teachers Association) Middle Level Honors Orchestra last weekend.

Congratulations to all of these musicians and vocalists on their performances!

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