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On February 23, Mounds Park Academy hosted “Volley for Molly,” a benefit to support the family of MPA first grader Molly, who is undergoing treatment for leukemia. Molly’s father, Mike Vergin, is an Upper School social studies teacher. MPA technology faculty member and Robotics Team coach Nicole Koen conceptualized and organized the event to support Molly and her family in this difficult time.

“This community gathering really boosted Molly’s spirits, as well as those of the whole family. We wish it was an event that never needed to be held, but we were truly touched by the outpouring of support,” said Mike Vergin. Molly has a type of leukemia commonly referred to as ALL, or acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She is in her second month of a 26-month treatment plan.  

Approximately 500 participants came together to raise thousands of dollars through individual donations, a silent auction, bake sale, and by logging nearly 300 miles on the school’s indoor track. Molly was present for the entire event and even walked five laps. One alumnus ran 18.25 miles in a grand show of support.

“I know it took a lot of people working awfully hard to pull off today’s event, but this was Nicole’s baby,” Mr. Vergin said. “I can only imagine how much work she put into it, and it was fun just to be there and to be a part of it.”

Other activities included volleyball games, contests, performances, face painting and a blood typing by Memorial Blood Centers. MPA Dance Team members taught younger students a routine to the song “Good Golly, Miss Molly.” Love Your Melon, an organization co-founded by Zach Quinn, an MPA alumnus, was in attendance selling the hats they give to children going through cancer treatment in a “buy one, give one” model.

“The generosity and outpouring of love and support for the Vergin family was a true testament of the kind of place MPA is,” said Ms. Koen. “We are like a family and I am extremely proud to be part of this community!”

If you would like to support Molly’s family, visit https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/0QHL3 to donate.

In this photo, Molly and her mom, Stephanie Vergin, log five laps on the school’s indoor track during Volley for Molly.  See more photos from the event here.

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