Mounds Park Academy sent three teams to compete in National Academic Quiz Tournament’s  (NAQT) Middle School National Championship Tournament. It was held on April 27-28 in Chicago, Illinois. 96 teams from 37 states competed in the tournament. These MPA teams qualified via two tournaments in the Twin Cities earlier in the school year. We had some great results this past weekend:

The  A Team – Cole Staples (8th), Charlie Kramer (8th), Aidan Opatz (8th), Jack Indritz (8th), and William Amendola Bye (8th) – finished 7th out of 96 teams. They were the highest placing team from Minnesota. This was the highest finish by an MPA team in a National Quiz Bowl Tournament!

The B team – Amanda Baumgart (8th), Ryan Guggenheim (7th), Kate Van Hecke (7th), Nick Samsel (8th) –  finished 53rd out of 96, and just missed the playoff round.

The C Team – Travis Mudge (7th), Sumner Wu(7th), Paige Indritz (5th), Pranay Somayajula (7th), Teja Upadhyaya (8th) – finished 51st out of 96 and also missed the playoffs by one match.

In addition Kate Van Hecke (7th) won the “Top Rising Player” Award at the tournament. She was the top player not currently in 8th Grade.

These Quiz Bowlers should be very proud of the preparation and hard work they have put in this year.

– Wade Peterson
MPA Quiz Bowl Coach

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