Two Mounds Park Academy Upper School Quiz Bowl Teams competed in the 2013 NAQTNational Quiz Bowl Tournament in Atlanta on May 25-26. This was the 6th consecutive year that MPA has qualified at least one team for this tournament. There were 256 teams competing from all over the country. MPA teams finished in 181st and 188th place out of 256. Callan Schackor (2013) led individual scorers by finishing 117th out of 1256 players (top 10%).

Team members were: Charlottle Colantti (2013), Elizabeth Krenkel (2013), Connor Olson (2013), Kip Hathaway (2013), Alex Grabanski (2013), Schuyler Rosefield (2013), Quinn Bendelsmith (2013), Callan Schackor (2013), and Aaron Hathaway (2014). Coach Wade Peterson and History Teacher Maureen Conway accompanied the teams on the trip.

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