Dear MPA Families,

What:  Now that everyone is getting back into a routine following the holidays, we would like to remind you about an important upcoming event.  The first grade class and Upper School Student Council are joining together again to host this year’s blood drive for a joint community service project.  Please take note of the date (next week) and begin thinking about how you can contribute to our event.  We are asking for an hour of your time to donate blood on Tuesday, January 14th.  If you know that you are unable to give blood, please be sure to ask as many friends or relatives as you can to take your place.  You may sign-up by going online to

Why:  Giving blood is simple and easy, and it will save lives.  You can touch the lives of people you have never met by giving blood for patients needing transfusions for emergency surgeries, or treatment of illnesses such as Leukemia and other cancers.

North Central Blood Services of the American Red Cross wants to remind all blood donors that there are significant needs for blood, especially with the recent freezing temperatures; with increased accidents due to winter driving and ongoing need for blood related treatments.

There is no substitute for human blood.  Blood cannot be manufactured, and much of today’s medical care depends on having a steady supply of blood provided by healthy volunteer donors.  Each time you give blood, you can help a few patients in need with your plasma, platelets, and red blood cells.

Who:  Most people who are in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and are at least 17 years of age are eligible to give blood every 56 days.  If you have questions about your eligibility to donate please call the Red Cross @ 1-800-RED-CROSS (733-2767).


When:  Tuesday, January 14th 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Where:  MPA Gallery

Contact:  First Grade Teacher: Mrs. O’Keefe

Student Council Advisor: Wade Peterson

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