Breakthrough Twin Cities (BTC) is seeking short-term volunteers of all professional backgrounds for their spring selection season.  The BTC Student Selection Committee works to select a class of 50 students from the 200+ Metro area 6th graders who typically apply to join Breakthrough.  The BTC Teacher Selection Committee works to select a cohort of summer teaching interns from the pool of about 150 college and high school applicants who compete for the rigorous summer internship.

Breakthrough Twin Cities would love to engage more members of the MPA community in these committees.  Committee members are provided detailed instructions and rubrics to evaluate applicants, so individuals from all variety of professional backgrounds are invited to consider this opportunity.

If you are interested in being involved in either committee, please contact the Breakthrough staff listed for the respective committees directly. To learn more about Breakthrough Twin Cities, please visit:  Thank you for your consideration of this volunteer opportunity.
STUDENT SELECTION (one night + prep)
Please contact Catrice O’Neal (at by February 19th if you are interested in joining.

Read and complete reader response forms for 10 – 12 student applications between February 27th – March 12th.
Attend Selection Night on Wednesday, March 12th from 5:00PM – 7:30PM @ MPA
TEACHER SELECTION (two nights + prep)
Please contact Ashley Cooper (at by February 21st if you are interested in joining.

Read & evaluate 8-10 teacher applications online between February 28th – March 3rd.
Attend one Interview Event on either Tuesday, March 4th or Wednesday, March 5th (4:15PM – 8:45PM) @ MPA
Complete an evaluation rubric for each of the applicants, addressing their performance at each stage of the interview process.
Attend Selection Night on Thursday, March 6th (5:00PM – 8:00PM) @ MPA

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