12347502355_5ea91d664e_bFrench language students at MPA are engrossed in a multi-week unit focused on the 2014 Olympic Games. With French being one of the three official languages of the games, teacher Liz DesLauriers is acting on this perfect opportunity to bring learning to life for her kindergarten through fourth-grade students. “It is really important that my classes are fun and exciting, with units and activities that are relevant to my youngest language learners.”

At grade-appropriate levels, students are describing the sports, reading the French Olympic website, sharing their opinions about what sports they like, studying the French, American, Russian and Olympic flags, learning about the geography of Russia, tallying the medal count for French-speaking countries, and even collaborating with the Spanish classes for some “Olympic” events.

Earlier this month, students held a celebration in celebration of the Opening Ceremonies. They decorated cupcakes with the Olympic flag and practiced using proper table conversation including, “Please pass me …” and “I would like …”  They used vocabulary specific to decorating and eating cupcakes and followed directions in French. DesLauriers added, “But equally as important, they had tremendous fun practicing their French in a real world situation that was significant and relevant to them.”

View photos from this event here.

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