summermarkA message from Summer Programs Director Kirsten Mulraney:

Dear Families,

I am pleased to inform you that Mounds Park Academy’s Summer Program has been approved to participate in a grant program through the Office of Higher Education in the state of Minnesota.

The Summer Academic Enrichment Program will provide stipends on a first-come, first-served basis, to cover all or a portion of the direct cost to the student for attending Summer@MPA during the summer of 2014.

To qualify for this grant, students must:

  • Provide me with documentation to verify that the student’s family qualifies for free or reduced lunch per the guidelines.
  • Students in grades 7-11 will also need to provide documentation that the student has earned at least an overall C average or its equivalent for the most recently recorded academic term (semester/quarter/ trimester) or have earned at least a C average or its equivalent for the most recently recorded academic term in the academic subject area  of the camp or classes.

Students must apply for a stipend covering the cost of enrichment at Summer@MPA from the Office of Higher Education directly through me (Kirsten Mulraney). I must enter student’s information on a secure website. Click Here for a list of information I need in order to complete each student’s application. If you choose, you can either make an appointment to sit with me while I apply for your student online, or you can send me your student’s information via email, or in a document delivered to me. All information will be disposed of in a secure way once the application is completed.

If you are interested in applying for this grant, please contact me as soon as possible. Funds are limited. Once you are approved, I will notify you and you can register your child for the classes of his/herchoice.

If you wish to check out the website explaining the grant, you can do so by clicking here.

Please contact me with questions.


Kirsten Mulraney
Extended Day and Summer Program Director
Mounds Park Academy

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