From US Science teacher Mitch Thomsen: The Ramsey-Washington County Watershed District is committed to improving the water quality of the lakes, ponds and streams in the two county area. The construction of rainwater gardens throughout the area is crucial in achieving this goal. These gardens capture runoff water that would otherwise rush into rain sewers, lakes and streams without any chance of being cleansed. The Mounds Park Academy community has been heaving involved in this effort since the 1990’s beginning with our work at Ames Lake. The award-winning MPA rainwater garden is a large example of those efforts. The MPA rainwater gardens captures water that runs off the roof and the parking lots. This allows the land to absorb and cleanse the water before it reaches our pond and then travels on to Lake Phalen. The result is a more stable pond level, a cleaner pond and much cleaner water that leaves our property on its way to Lake Phalen. The seedlings that are being set will be used this summer for rainwater gardens at Keller Golf course, Redeeming Love Church and our own MPA rainwater gardens. Students in the Biology and Environmental Education classes at MPA will be involved in these planting projects.


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