SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESFor the third year in a row, Applied Painting class is participating in the Paint A Piano Program through Keys 4/4 Kids.  Keys 4/4 Kids is a local non-profit founded by MPA alum, Newell Hill.  Keys 4/4 Kids refurbishes and sells pianos, using profits to help support art and music opportunities in low income neighborhoods.

In preparation for painting the instrument, the Applied Painting class studied the relationship between art and music.  They explored this theme in a variety of ways, starting by pairing the music of George Gershwin (Rhapsody in Blue) with a painting by Joseph Stella (Brooklyn Bridge).  In addition to working on the piano together, students simultaneously created individual compositions also inspired by pairings of songs and paintings.

The piano will be on display at our Upper School Art Show, opening on Wednesday, May 21.  Then, it will be part of the Grand Old Day parade, along with other pianos from the Paint A Piano program.

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