The Strategic Planning Committee, comprised of representatives from the various MPA constituent groups, has been meeting monthly. It is poised to engage the MPA community more formally through a community-wide survey and constituent-based focus groups. Look for the link to the e-survey in next week’s Panther Post edition, and please complete the survey by October 18. We hope every MPA family will respond to the survey so we can consider the most robust information as we craft our Strategic Plan.

Focus groups representing various MPA constituencies will also meet to permit in-depth discussions about MPA today and in the future. If you are willing to be considered to participate in a parents, staff, faculty or alumni focus group, please contact MPA Board Co-Chair Nan Etzwiler at by October 10, 2014. Be sure to indicate the focus group in which you hope to participate. The Strategic Planning Committee leaders will select for each focus group 10-15 persons from among those expressing interest.

Focus groups members, meetings dates and times will be announced prior to the MEA weekend. Board, Parents Association, the MPA Alumni Association and others will also meet. Students in grades 6-12 who are interested in being considered for the student focus group should contact their division directors by no later than October 10. We invite you to join us in this journey to offer your vision and input.

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