Have you been thinking about what an upper school education might look like for your lower school student?

Wondering how science and engineering dovetails with the arts in 21st century education?

Do you have suggestions or insights about how to best ensure our students are “entrepreneurs” who can identify problems, create solutions, marshal support and resources for them, and execute in a complex, global environment?

Do you have programmatic or extra-curricular ideas for MPA in any subject, grade level or division?

Then we have an opportunity for you!

The MPA Board of Trustees’ Strategic Planning Committee is facilitating a 90 minute focus group to discuss the MPA of today and the MPA of tomorrow on Tuesday, October 21st from 5:30 – 7:00 PM.

If you would like to be considered for selection, please contact MPA Board Co-Chair Nancy Etzwiler at nancy@etzwiler.com.

Please know that all parents will have an opportunity to participate in the strategic planning process by completing an electronic survey that will be sent to you in the coming week. Your voice and views are important as we forge the next MPA strategic plan. We invite you to join us in this journey to offer your vision and input.

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