
Love Your Melon — co-founded by MPA Alumnus Zach Quinn (’11) and fellow St. Thomas University student Brian Keller — is a non-profit with a vision to help children with cancer smile and give them hope for the future. For every “Love Your Melon” hat they sell, a child with cancer will receive a hat as well. On October 22nd, 2014, they will celebrate the first official Love Your Melon Day, raising awareness for childhood cancers and donating over 1,000 hats to children in hospitals around the country.

Zach credits his time at MPA for his drive to have a positive impact on those around him. “Mounds Park Academy instilled in me the belief that my purpose on this planet is to do as much as I can to help make others lives better. I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit, and with Love Your Melon I have found a way to combine those two passions.”

MPA alumni are compassionate, kind, motivated, and determined to make a difference in the world. We are so proud of Zach Quinn (’11) and the success that Love Your Melon has found.

From the Love Your Melon Website:
The events of Love Your Melon Day on October 22nd, 2014 will raise awareness for childhood cancers and promote the importance of therapeutic treatment programs. Through Awareness Drivers, Inspiration Events on college and university campuses, and Donation Events at children’s hospitals and Ronald McDonald Houses, we will motivate communities to get involved in making a difference. With the donations raised, we will fund therapeutic entertainment programs for children’s hospitals and Ronald McDonald Houses nationwide that provide comfort to childhood cancer patients and improve their quality of life.

Follow the Love Your Melon Day blog.

Love Your Melon day has official proclamations from Governors in five different states, in addition to proclamations from Mayors in nine other cities nationwide.

Governor Mark Dayton (State of Minnesota)

Governor Scott Walker (State of Wisconsin)

Governor Jay Nixon (State of Missouri)

Governor Pat Quinn (State of Illinois)

Governor Terry Branstad (State of Iowa)

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