I have to admit I am having a hard time adjusting to Daylight Savings Time. Maybe it’s my age—turning fifty this year has not been easy. More likely, it is the hectic pace we all keep, balancing work and family. Whatever the cause, I’m sure you are looking forward to spring break as much as I am. As we head into a much needed and well-deserved break, I thought you might enjoy a look at some of our successes this year.

New Strategic Plan
I am very pleased to share that the MPA Board of Trustees approved a new five-year strategic plan. The new plan is the result of a yearlong comprehensive planning process that was guided by a constituent-based steering committee and included voices representative of all members of our community. We are spending this spring creating an implementation plan, and I look forward to sharing more information with you as it unfolds. But for now know that the plan is ambitious and forward thinking and will serve our school community extremely well.

Admissions and Re-enrollment
I am pleased to report that new student interest and application submission as well re-enrollment of current students is very strong.
·      Overall projected increase in enrollment, including near capacity in grades 6, 7, and 12.
·      139% increase in the number of students/prospective families attending the January MPA Preview
·      Largest number of applications in four years

·      Successful Alumni Challenge Day, raising over $20,000 in one day
·      Most successful Give MN Day in school history, doubling last year’s amount
·      Three separate gifts totaling over $300,000 to the endowment, our marketing program, and to fund the construction of the north tennis courts

Academic program successes include:
·      Introduction of Singapore math program in grades PreK–5
·      Successful first year of Middle School i-Term
·      Unveiling of the Upper School Certificates of Distinction in the Fine Arts, STEM, and Global Studies
·      A new comprehensive PreK–12 curriculum review and enhancement process
·     High number of student successes in art, athletic, and academic competitions at local, state, and national levels

In addition to the successes above, we’ve worked to increase MPA’s visibility across the Twin Cities through marketing initiatives such as radio advertising on Minnesota Public Radio and community partnerships with the City of Lakes Loppet, Science Museum, and the Phipps Theatre in Hudson, WI. As always, however, you remain the most important partner in sharing the values and benefits of an MPA education. Thank you for continuing to let everyone know about our amazing school!

On a final note, as we “Spring Forward” I hope you have made plans to attend the Spring Auction – Best of MPA which will take place at Aamodt’s Farm on Saturday, May 9th. It will be an evening of connection, fun, and lots of laughter as we celebrate and support our community. Tickets are selling quickly and space is limited.

Whether you have plans for a vacation or stay-cation, I hope you have an enjoyable and relaxing break. Rest well for it won’t be long until we gather for year-end traditions such as concerts, our Spring Show (The Wizard of Oz), the Yearbook Assembly, and Commencement.

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