It was Plutarch who said, “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.”

It is very likely that you have heard the wonderful news that MPA senior Munira Khalif has achieved the rare honor of being offered admission to all eight Ivy League schools.  In addition, she was accepted at the University of Minnesota, Stanford University and Georgetown University.  If you know Munira or have followed the media coverage, you know she is an exceptional young woman whose fire has certainly been kindled.  Her accomplishments here at MPA, as well as nationally and internationally, are inspiring.

A key ingredient in fueling a passion to learn like Munira’s is making sure students feel challenged.  MPA is a rigorous, yet joyful environment where students are expected to be intellectually curious and effective communicators. The motivation to learn is, in part, grounded in two fundamental questions:  Does the teacher see me? And, how does the teacher see me?  Exceptional teachers that are caring and compassionate are able to craft learning experiences to the individual needs of their students while providing the safety and security for them to excel.

Munira serves as a wonderful example of how our students define and pursue their passions.  When students are focused on goals that they had a hand in choosing, it brings engagement, motivation and growth to a whole new level. Munira’s college counseling process began in ninth grade with goal setting, self-assessment, and encouragement to find and follow her passions, just as it does for all of our students. By junior year, she was researching universities that would provide the programs and environment she wanted after high school. Our college counseling program allows us to work one-on-one with students and help them focus on finding the best fit.

We are so proud of Munira and her achievements, but this is only the beginning. She has the knowledge, skills and personal attributes necessary to change the world. It is a fire like Munira’s that we strive to kindle every day.

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