Somewhere along the way, I learned that ancient mariners would use the stars to navigate as they crossed the oceans. In later years, however, someone told me that they didn’t use the stars to tell them how far they had to go, but rather how far they had come. As we approach the end of the school year, I’ve become like those ancient seafarers, looking back over the last eleven months and reflecting upon how far we have come as a community.

At the beginning of the school year, I outlined six priorities to the faculty and staff that would guide my leadership this year. I’d like to share them with you now and highlight a few examples of how they’ve been met over the course of this year.

1. Play to our Strengths
Embrace, invigorate and deepen our commitment to the MPA mission, particularly whole-child education

  • A re-envisioning of the MPA mission in light of 21st century
  • Creation of new Gender Inclusive School policy and guidelines
  • Recognition and celebration of our highly dedicated and motivated faculty and staff

2. Create a Shared Vision and Direction
Lead a successful strategic planning process with a new plan in place in January and an implementation plan in place by May.

  • Successful strategic planning process resulting in a clear and compelling course for the next five years

3. Increase Funding and Support for the School
Help develop and support a strong institutional advancement team that uses best practices to drive development, marketing, communications, and admissions.

  • Successful realignment of marketing strategy by focusing on digital and inbound marketing and strategic community partnerships, such as MPR, the Minnesota Science Museum, and the Phipps Center for the Arts
  • A new development strategy with an innovative annual fund strategy and a “refounding” of the Best of MPA, resulting in a 48% increase in Fund a Need and a 76% increase over last year overall
  • A new enrollment and admissions strategy that has led to a projected increase in enrollment and low rate of attrition

4. Improve Accountability, Stewardship, and Transparency
Strive to embody and demonstrate openness and honesty and be genuine and authentic with all constituents, both personally and institutionally.

  • A new communications strategy and plan, including frequent, consistent and meaningful weekly Head of School messages
  • A new faculty and staff group dedicated to ideas and transparency

5. Ensure Excellence
Initiate a curriculum review process that ensures continuity, scope, sequence and spiraling and leads to continuous improvement across grade levels and divisions.

  • Creation and implementation of a research-based continuous curriculum review process that started this year
  • New math curriculum, including an added accelerated track and classes for grades 7–12 and a successfully-implemented Singapore Math sequence in grades 1–5.
  • Seniors with offers of college admission from 102 different schools in 33 states, Washington, D.C., and Canada. Next fall they will head off to 36 different schools in 19 states

6. Inspire Innovation
Foster a culture that is curious and creative, providing the autonomy and opportunities necessary for individuals to take risks and try new ideas.

  • Creation of the Virtual Classroom and membership in the Malone Schools Online Network with 14 students enrolled in online courses next year
  • Increased usage of the i-Lab and Digital Fabrication Studio
  • Successful introduction of Upper School Certificates of Distinction
  • Successful pilot year of Middle School i-Term

While I am thankful for of all we have accomplished this year, I am equally as grateful for the harder to quantify: an increased optimism, morale, and momentum; a reported greater trust in the leadership and governance of the school; and an overall sense of gratitude and well being. I am very proud of the work that teachers, staff, and administrators have been able to accomplish through a renewed partnership with parents and alumni, and I am excited about finishing the year strong on all counts—including financial, enrollment, and development.

But while there is barely more than a week of the school year remaining, there is still much to do. As the flurry of the end of the year comes quickly upon us, I am eager to celebrate the many traditions and events that come with it. I hope to see you at the Moving Up Ceremony, the final group of senior speeches, the Senior Service Fair, the end-of-the-year yearbook assembly, or, of course, commencement. Go Panthers!

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