We want to provide an update on the school’s new trustees and chair-elect, the implementation of the school’s Strategic Plan, and the Board’s Enterprise Risk Management Committee.

New Trustees and Board Chair–Elect!   We are pleased to announce that the Board voted as new trustees MPA parents Carolina Del Solar, Steve Arsenault, Karen Kozen-Lien, Rahoul Ghose and Matt Larson. Together they bring a wealth of skills in finance, strategic planning, change management, risk assessment and development. All are strong leaders: Rahoul, Matt and Steve were important members of the school’s Strategic Planning Committee last year, Carolina has served with boards of two international schools, and Karen has strong educational background and is on the executive board of the Parents Association. We are grateful they are willing to serve our community. The Board also elected current trustee, Board Treasurer and Finance Committee Brent Peacock as Chair-Elect. Brent will assist Nan and Tamra during their last year as co-chairs, and assume the full chairmanship in one year. Thank you and congratulations, Brent!

Remember that the Board’s Governance Committee (contact Beth Finch) accepts nominations at any time of those who might be considered for the Board or for work on a board committee and other strategic committees of the school. The Board’s Governance Committee actively begins its review of all candidates each year after winter break and considers, among other things, candidates’ professional competencies, leadership qualities, and diversity, broadly defined.

Enterprise Risk Management. As we reported in our last Board Corner, the Board established this year its Enterprise Risk Management Committee to systematically (i) consider the likelihood of occurrence and potential impact of significant risks to the school’s mission, reputation and/or existence, and (ii) establish a regular review of the school’s current plans to prevent these risks or manage them were they to occur. The ERM Committee and Dr. Hudson have selected the following risks for general review over the next year: data security, on-campus safety from intruders, student safety while on trips, insurance coverage, and MPA’s human resources processes.

Strategic Plan Implementation. The Board recently reviewed and endorsed Dr. Hudson’s Strategic Plan Implementation Plan. Please be sure to watch for a comprehensive article in the about-to-be launched MPA Magazine. Dr. Hudson and many MPA faculty and staff members will be leading many of the implementation initiatives, and parents and others in our community may be invited to serve on task forces. Please be open to serving if asked….the school needs to draw on all of its talent and passion! Over the next year or so, you will see how most of MPA’s major initiatives are tied to this important plan, which addresses the school’s vision for 21st century learning, support for our faculty and staff, and how we continue to secure the financial strength and growth of MPA’s resources.

Have a great summer!

Nan Etzwiler and Tamra Anderson

Co-Chairs, MPA Board of Trustees

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