The 40 graduates will be attending 26 different schools in 19 states


Student spotlight

Jose del Solar

José Del Solar

José Del Solar will attend the University of Pennsylvania (which accepted less than 10% of applicants), having earned one of only 50 spots in Penn’s Huntsman Program in International Studies & Business. As a Huntsman student, José will follow an interdisciplinary course of study integrating business education, advanced language training and a liberal arts education. In four years, Huntsman students earn both a B.A. in International Studies from the School of Arts and Sciences and a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School. José will specialize in a Spanish-speaking region and, as Penn notes, “graduate with a nuanced understanding of the political, economic and cultural complexities in a changing world.”







Matt Ehren

Matt Ehren

Matt Ehren will attend Washington University in St. Louis this fall as the winner of an Arthur Holly Compton Fellowship in the Physical Sciences and Mathematics. Compton Scholars receive a four-year full-tuition scholarship and annual stipend; up to four are awarded each year. Matt was selected by “Wash U” faculty members for this honor last spring, as part of an interview weekend for scholarship finalists. Matt’s achievement is even more impressive when you consider that Washington University in St. Louis has an overall admission rate of only 16%. Matt will also receive a National Merit Scholarship based on his junior-year PSAT performance.







Emma Stacy

Emma Stacy

This fall, Scripps College in Claremont, CA, will welcome Emma Stacy as the single New Generation Scholar of their incoming class. This award is the highest merit-based scholarship Scripps offers, providing one student a year with a four-year full scholarship, plus stipends for summer research and study abroad. Emma was chosen from among a highly accomplished applicant pool (Scripps accepted 28% of applicants this year) based on her academic achievement, letters of recommendation, application essays and interview. Emma plans to major in the sciences and compete on the swim team.

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