Group photo in France


The summer of 2015 was a busy one for international travel and jet-setting MPA students, staff, and faculty!

MPA adventurers had a blast in Perú, spending an afternoon with local school children in Pisac, visiting the Cathedral of Cusco, and marveling at historic landmark Machu Picchu.

Upper School explorers visited many historic and contemporary landmarks during their trip to England and France in June. In France, the group participated in a dancing class in Brittany and a traditional French cooking class in the Loire Valley. (Group photo in France, right)


The virtual classroom, a new addition to MPA this year, is set up and ready for its inaugural class. Located near the Upper School Commons, the room was cleaned and painted over the summer. Monitors, camera equipment, and new furniture were set up.

The virtual classroom will be used significantly by students participating in the Malone Schools Online Network program (MSON). The virtual classroom will also allow for students of all ages to participate in new and innovative programs and activities, such as digital field trips.


Over the summer, student lockers were painted with a very durable and crisp gray paint. Normal wear and tear spurred on this momentous project.


The number of lockers that were painted at MPA this summer.


MPA is keeping cool for the school year! Over the summer, air conditioning was installed in several of the warmest Middle School classrooms.

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