Dr. Bill Hudson

I love airports. Not fighting the crowds, lugging suitcases, standing in line, or going through security, but the baggage area. I like to sit and observe the anticipation of people as they scan the crowd, looking for their friends and loved ones. To witness the transformation of a person’s face as they catch sight of their loved one from a distance or to see the dawn of the joy and excitement as they reach out to them after an extended absence is amazing.

It looked a lot like an airport baggage claim area on Wednesday morning here at Mounds Park Academy. It was inspiring to see how kids greeted other kids, parents greeting teachers and one another, and students running up to their teachers with big smiles on their faces. Several teachers remarked that they had spent as much time with their former students as they did meeting with their new students.

It won’t be long before we get down to business and some of the excitement wanes. However, one thing is very clear—the joy of learning never wears off at MPA. Students at Mounds Park Academy enjoy an academically rigorous education and are challenged intellectually, but not at the expense of their social, emotional, and physical growth. If there is any magic at MPA, it is the unique ability of the school to ensure that each child is is known, loved, challenged, and inspired.

I look forward to the year ahead and am confident it will truly be transformational for us all. Thank you for entrusting your children to Mounds Park Academy.

-Dr. Bill Hudson
Head of School

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