We are excited to welcome you back to MPA for the school year. As this year begins, we hope that our enthusiastic parent community will come together to actively support MPA.

Here, we believe that how you give is unique to you. We have a range of volunteer and philanthropy opportunities that are flexible, convenient and reflective of your commitment to the success of our school. Whether you contribute by volunteering as a field trip chaperone, donating art supplies, making a monetary donation, or joining a committee—the ways that you can get involved and give back are endless.

Here are just a few of the many ways you can make an impact at MPA this year:

  • Volunteer at homecoming
  • Participate in the Fall Campaign—“Joyful Learning, Joyful Giving”—and donate to the Annual Fund to support school programs
  • Join a committee to plan events and school activities
  • Volunteer to help in the division offices or classrooms
  • Join the Parents Association
  • Attend the Spring Auction—Best of MPA on May 14, 2016
  • Donate in-kind gifts to MPA: see our wish list at bit.ly/mpawishlist
  • Join the 1982 Legacy Society by including MPA in your estate plans

For more information on how to help, please contact LaTasha St. Arnault, Development Director, at 651-748-5532 or latasha@moundsparkacademy.org

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