Dr. Bill Hudson“When the rubber hits the road.”

Like most dads, my father had a number of sayings that he would turn to in giving me advice. You probably know what I am talking about because it would usually result in me rolling my eyes and bracing myself for a lecture. One of those sayings was, “when the rubber hits the road.” It was always in the context of talking about values and integrity, when character is tested by an actual circumstance or situation.

Every organization has a mission statement. Most just hang on a wall or grace a website. It is a rare occasion when a mission statement is actually tested. The Mounds Park Academy mission states:

We teach students to think independently, communicate effectively and act with respect and integrity in a diverse community that models intellectual ambition, global responsibility and the joy of learning.

Our mission was tested in the last year when our school was presented with the opportunity to embrace a family and child who began the journey of socially transitioning genders. In true MPA fashion, our school community “circled the wagons” (another one of my father’s aphorisms). It was described best by a MPA parent who wrote:

“I just wanted to say how proud I am to be part of a school community so open and supportive, putting the needs of our children above all else, while helping all of us to learn and embrace diversity for the benefit of the whole community. It’s amazing.”

At MPA, we truly believe in and embrace diversity. In valuing all members of the community, we not only enhance our learning environment, but also provide an honest and useful framework for students to understand the complex world in which we live. Each day, students and teachers work together to create respectful environments, places where every person is comfortable being who they are and where every person is equally deserving of kindness and respect.

The rubber has indeed hit the road and we now have a set of guidelines on transgender and gender diversity. The purpose of these guidelines is to foster an educational environment that is free from discrimination for all students, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. I invite you to learn more about how we intend to support transgender and gender diverse students and by extension, all our students.

MPA is a place where all families can feel loved, respected, and accepted. I can hear my dad say, “Son, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.” I’m not rolling my eyes anymore. It’s just the right thing to do.

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