billccWhat were you doing the evening of August 24? Most likely, you were at our Back to School Night, sitting in the Nicholson Center answering the question, “MPA is important to me because…” The response to that simple question was profound:

“Being a great human being and citizen is as important as being a great student. MPA values this and it is why MPA is inspiring.”

“We are like one big family. You can’t find that anywhere else!”

“The faculty and staff partner with our family to shape and inspire my children to become responsible, compassionate, and contributing members of our communities.”

“The teachers appear to care deeply about the intellectual development of every student and are prepared to offer multiple avenues for that development based on the student’s individual needs.”

“We feel we belong to a positive, healthy community where students can be their best, authentic selves.”

These are just a few examples from the hundreds of cards I collected that night. It is clear what fuels the incredible passion for MPA held by parents, students, alumni, faculty, administrators, and staff. Why is it that we are hesitant about sharing that passion with others?

Maybe it is because Minnesotans are such a humble bunch. It reminds me of the joke: “How do you spot the outgoing Minnesotan? He’s the one looking at your shoes.” We don’t do a very good job at sharing our successes for fear of sounding like we are boasting. “Minnesota nice,” so we say.

How did you first hear about Mounds Park Academy? If you are like most parents, you heard about it from a family member, friend, or colleague. The educational marketplace in the Twin Cities is crowded with many good options. While marketing and advertising are important, the most effective means of promoting MPA is through word of mouth. In fact, according to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising.

Mounds Park Academy parents are the most personal and effective means to promote the school and explain its distinctive nature because of your investment of time, energy, emotions, financial resources, and most importantly—your children.

I ask you to consider becoming an active participant in intentionally sharing why MPA is important to you with those who may be interested or benefit from our mission of experiential, hands-on education, our tradition of academic excellence, and our safe, nurturing community. I know parents do this every day and in many different ways—sometimes intentionally and sometimes without realizing it.

How can you help?
1. Personally reach out to potential families at work or in your neighborhood.
2. Send names and contact information for prospective families to the Admissions team.
3. Invite families to attend our upcoming Open House on Saturday, November 14 from 1 – 3 p.m. (RSVP online)
4. Encourage them to set up a personal tour or shadow for a day.
5. Facilitate introductions between Admission team and prospective families.
6. Answer questions from your own personal experience and unique perspective.
7. Provide information and share your knowledge of the school.
8. Consider liking us on Facebook, suggesting MPA to your Facebook friends, and sharing our posts.

Humility, like hotdish, is highly valued by Minnesotans. But it is worth bragging about what we do here at MPA.

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