billccWhat better way to begin the week than by attending the Lower School Monday Morning Meeting? During the meeting, students from each grade level stand before their peers and share what they are learning. This past Monday, our PreK students shared their observations of a pumpkin, including size, color, consistency, and uses (think pumpkin pie!). More than just a nice and timely connection to Halloween and Thanksgiving, this activity begins to introduce students to the elements of scientific observation. In the language of educators, it is called project-based learning.

Project-based learning (PBL) is the act of learning by doing. Students work on learning goals that are framed by a meaningful problem to solve. They engage in a rigorous process of asking questions and applying information to create an authentic, real-world project. Students make decisions about the project, including how they work and what they create. During the process, there is time for peer and teacher critique, feedback, and reflection. At the end of the project, students display, present, or publish their work for people outside of the classroom.

During workshops over the MEA break, teachers and staff watched a recently released documentary entitled “Most Likely to Succeed.” The film challenges educators and parents to think differently about our current educational model and challenges all of us to respond to the emerging needs of 21st century learners in today’s information economy. One possibility is a shift from memorization and testing to project-based learning. Without a full-scale endorsement of the film or a particular pedagogy, MPA seeks to be a thought leader as this discussion evolves.

At Mounds Park Academy, we have always believed in the power of experiential learning. We strive to engage our students with thought-provoking questions and challenges that require them to use critical-thinking skills, creativity, and problem solving in each class. By adding elements of PBL, maker spaces, and alternative assessments to our already rigorous curriculum, we believe that we can continue to be at the vanguard of what constitutes the very best education to prepare students for the future.

Our new strategic plan, Momentum 2020, calls for Mounds Park Academy to “empower students to live, learn, and thrive in the 21st century globalized society.” Please mark your calendar for the evening of Thursday, January 21 for our own private screening of the “Most Likely to Succeed” documentary followed by a discussion. I invite you to join the conversation.

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