Catherine (Boult) Bye (’98): Catherine and husband Phil welcomed daughter Elisabeth Sophia Bye on August 26, 2015. Big brothers Jackson (4) and William (2) are thrilled. Catherine practices appellate law at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Immigration Litigation, in Washington, D.C. Congratulations, Catherine and the Bye family!

Mirdalys (Herrera) Tweeton (’08): Mirdalys will be beginning law school in the coming year. Since graduating from MPA, Mirdalys went to college, joined the U.S. Army, got married, and had a son, Liam, who is now 3 years old. Mirdalys shared, “I was told many times that I would miss high school and I really do. I don’t think I would miss it as much if I had gone somewhere else. I miss my teachers, my classes, and every experience I had during the 3 years I spent at MPA.”

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