bill_wordpressYou may or may not know that I have taken up running this year. After many, many years between my athletic career in my younger days and my begrudging acceptance of middle age, I have embraced running as a return to physical fitness and I hope, mental sharpness. Along the way, I’ve joined the “cult” of runners and found partners among the faculty, staff, students, alumni, and parent community of MPA. Just this past weekend, Ross and I hosted an informal brunch after the Reindeer Run around Lake Harriet. Since we live only six blocks away, I thought it would be nice to have a few people over. Little did I know we would have such a wonderful turnout at our home!

I cannot express the joy I felt in opening up our home to middle and upper school students, their parents, and my colleagues. To me, it captured the amazing spirit of community that exists at MPA. I thought to myself, “At what other school would one find such a gathering?” And, “Where else would I, as Head of School, feel this comfortable?” Only at Mounds Park Academy, I’m certain.

My gratitude towards MPA finds a home in the midst of many celebrations of light at this time of year. As a multicultural, diverse community, MPA joins together with others, across the world and across cultures and faith traditions, to celebrate a season of light. Diwali, Sankta Lucia, Chanukah, Las Posadas, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and the First Nations’ tradition of the Winter Solstice all have light as a central theme. Likewise, I find myself reflecting upon how MPA radiates light from within and shares that light with our community and world.

– I see light in the eyes of our students who come to school eager to learn with joyful spirits.
– I witness our teachers light a fire in the minds of students.
– We are so very fortunate to have fantastic teachers who light up the classroom with their energy, passion, dedication, and intellect.
– We are privileged by the presence of teachers, staff, and parents who warm the hearts of students and one another with their kindness and compassion.
– Our MPA alumni are immersed and engaged in the world, bringing their intellect and talents to light the way forward in a sometimes dark and confusing time.

Noted psychiatrist Carl Jung said, “As far as we can discover, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” In this season of light, I invite you to join with me in gratitude for all we enjoy as an MPA community and in solidarity with others as we celebrate the triumph of the human spirit, of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair.

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