MPA’s Board of Trustees is a self-generative body of about 18-22 trustees, each of whom serves up to two 3-year terms. The Governance Committee of the Board solicits, evaluates, interviews, and recommends to the full Board’s consideration candidates to serve as trustees.

Over the next weeks, the Board’s Governance Committee is commencing its annual process of identifying, evaluating, interviewing, and ultimately developing for presentation to the full Board at its May meeting a slate of trustee candidates whose first three-year term would begin in July 2016.

In addition to the goals of seeking trustees with strong leadership skills, collaborative styles, and MPA involvement, and to crafting an overall board that collectively reflects MPA’s broad diversity of experience and backgrounds, areas of desired experience in future trustees may include: finance, accounting, investment, banking, business, communications, education, law, governance, scientific training, the arts, IT, human resources, strategic planning, development, marketing, and community service, among others.

If you know of someone (including yourself) whom you believe could be a strong contributor and should be evaluated by the Board of Trustees’ Governance Committee, please provide the name of that person and a short description of attributes directly to Beth Finch, MPA Governance Committee Chair (  The committee will evaluate all nominees and reach out directly to those from whom it wishes to obtain further information and interview.

For more information on the Board and its working committees, please see the Board page on the MPA website:

As always, feel free to contact the Board Co-Chairs at any time with any questions or thoughts: Nan Etzwiler (651-367-4813) and Tamra Anderson (651-216-9543).

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