Here are just a few reasons that current Parents Association Board Members became involved. If any of these resonate with you, please click here to learn more about the ways you can get involved and become engaged.

“I joined the Parents Association as a way to pay-it-forward to a community that has enriched my life, my family, and my children’s lives through all the wonderful programs and activities that are sponsored and supported by the larger MPA staff and community.” – MPA Parent

“I joined because I wanted to get to know other families and I wanted a better understanding of my children’s school. Through the Parents Association I have discovered a support system of parents and teachers that are informative and fun to be around. I also love seeing the kids’ faces light up over our activities.” – MPA Parent

“From previous experience with schools as a mom and a teacher, I know that joining the Parents Association is one of the, if not the very best way to quickly learn about the culture and climate of a school. It’s a wonderfully effective venue to share my interests and abilities. Additionally, exceptional relationships have developed through group decision making, creating and carrying out community-enriching events, and occasions. Any amount of volunteer time and energy is so appreciated. The return on the investment really could not be higher. After all, it’s about our kids!!” – MPA Parent

“I joined the Parents Association as a way to show my children that their school, their classmates and their classmates’ families are important to our family.” – MPA Parent

If you have any questions please feel free to email us at We would love to answer your questions or meet for coffee!

Christine Larson & Amanda Campbell
Parents Association Co-Presidents

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